Yannik Böhmer
The Art of Sniper
eine filmische Recherche
2017 im sonnigen Herzens Kyiv entstand diese filmische Arbeit, die sich in kleinen Portraits auf die Suche nach der Stimme junger ukrainischer Künstler:innen begibt. Schon damals war spürbar wie sehr der Krieg die junge Generation bereits prägt.
Mit: Mirra Zuchkova, Volodymyr Rudenko; von: Yannik Böhmer, Emanuel Hohl; Text: Mirra Zuchkova; Vielen Dank an Peter Cant
More information and support:
instagram: @hooligan_art_community
facebook: facebook.com/Hooligan.Theatre.Performance/
mit freundlicher Unterstützung der European Theater Convention und dem ZHdK Avina Fonds

MIRRA 2022
I knew about war all my life. I felt it. I dreamed that planes were falling all over our city in
Vasykiv. But they always fly past the house. When I entered the university I played a
sketch about war, as the two sisters return to their home after. And there is a window and
a cherry blossom, like in childhood. When I’m struggling with depression I always return
to the same place in my meditations: My home is a ruined city, I lead a small child by the
hand - myself across the bridge. And I was always attracted by explosions. I could not
look away. And all of my work is because of the catastrophe and the war. And I am the
war… itself… radiation…. bomb…
Now the war is over. It happened so we found out who we are. And now I know the
opposite: We will all meet and weep with happiness and drinking wine in the square. I will
have children. I will be a wonderful mother. And there will be great beauty all around.