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Yannik Böhmer

daniel´s destruction

Ein Projekt der Unbestimmten Bewegung
Koproduktion Sophiensæle und Akademie der Künste Berlin

daniel’s destruction verhandelt den tatsächlichen Todesfall eines in die Sexarbeit genötigten jungen Mannes, sein nahes soziales Umfeld sowie die letzten Wochen vor seinem Tod an einer Überdosis. Ein Lebensgefühl zwischen Sexdates, Rausch und Drogenhandel wird hier aus verletzlicher, selbstkritischer Innenperspektive beleuchtet. Das Projekt ist eine Momentaufnahme sozialer Verhältnisse und schwuler Lebenserfahrungen im heutigen Berlin. daniel’s destruction nähert sich einem Trauerprozess inmitten von Stigma und Scham.


Sa, 08.02. 20:00 Kantine

So, 09.02. 18:00 Kantine


28.02-04.04.2024 The Breath of a House is the Sound of Voices Within Austellung Akademie der Künste Hanseatenweg: 30.08-01.09.2024 "Hasta la vista" Künstlerkino im Rahmen vom Kunstfestival Zinnober Hannover


Regie: Yannik Böhmer
Text: Nicolaas van Diepen
Fassung, Dramaturgie: Elena Kaufmann
Performance: Nicolaas van Diepen, Shlomi Moto Wagner, Tim-Fabian Hoffmann
Musik: Erik Leuthäuser, Shlomi Moto Wagner

Eine Produktion der Unbestimmten Bewegung in Koproduktion mit Sophiensæle. Gefördert durch den Bezirk Mitte mit Unterstützung der Akademie der Künste. Medienpartner: Missy MagazineSiegessäuletaz.




Berlin Art Link writing about the Exhibition


‘The Breath of a House is the Sound of Voices Within,’ takes its title from the words of American artist and architect John Hejduk. The quotation sets the thematic tone of the exhibition and allows us to enter a realm filled with installations that feel like personal talismans. With 35 projects by the JUNGE AKADEMIE’s fellows, the exhibition and its performance program unfold into a rich landscape of diverse voices and invite an intimate connection with the artistic positions resonating from within the Akademie der Künste’s walls. Each piece is vastly different from the next, a testament to each artists’ distinctive style and a nod to the theme’s open-ended and poetic nature. 

On the other side of the dimly lit room, a wall is illuminated by a large screen playing a film titled ‘daniel’s destruction.’ The short film by director and video artist Yannik Böhmer is based on a true story and follows a young man walking through the streets of Berlin en route to a dating app hookup. As we watch the long take of titular character Daniel striding through the cold Berlin night, his story is simultaneously being narrated to us by what is presumed to be a future Daniel. As he walks us through his plans for the night, his depiction of a drug-fuelled marathon of gay sex also serves as a commentary on the sometimes dark reality of Berlin’s queer party scene. While visually simple and straightforward (the whole film is just a handful of long takes), the narrative explores some of the more detrimental underlying themes of hookup culture and the prevalence of drugs within the queer club scene. Overall, the video installation deals with particularly upsetting topics but it manages to maintain an air of vulnerability and a deeply personal feel, in line with the rest of the exhibition’s intimate pieces.

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